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最新消息 > 2018年雅思考試學習技巧 如何有效利用雅思寫作范文


廣州精英教育發布時間:18-01-2510:26烤鴨寶寶小涵說,背了很多經典模板句子,記了N多高分詞匯,但雅思寫作分數一直停留在5分,我可著急呢,難道就沒有什麼好的寫作技巧方法么?當然是有方法的,對此,廣之旅精英教育出國考試研究院唐院長要給準備2018年雅思考試的烤鴨寶寶們分享雅思寫作的高分經驗。我們先以這個題目為例子來講解雅思高分作文要怎么寫,如下:More and more people buy and use their own car. Do you think the advantages of this trend for individuals outweigh its disadvantages for environment?作文題討論的是越來越多的人買車對個人和環境是好還是壞?要如何構思這篇作文呢?我們來看看唐老雅老師分享雅思作文范文以及如何有效利用雅思寫作范文:第1段:Just 50 years ago, to own a car was quite a luxury, but today, cars have found their way into many households. Statistics show in China alone, there are over 140 million cars running on road every day. While cars have brought conveniences to their users, they have imposed great pressure on the environment.唐老雅老師點評:開頭段的重點是看你如何引出話題,并對題目進行重述,以及如何表達自己的總體觀點的。引出話題的方法很多,但不少烤鴨喜歡使用模板開頭法,比如,with the development of the society... 或者when it comes to the issue of...等,這些模板的確是萬能的,幾乎可以適合任何話題,但恰恰因為其萬能性,它也就失去了個性化,讓作文開頭千篇一律,沒有任何特色。唐老雅老師建議:根據題目的實際內容,可以考慮在引出話題的時候將其具體化。也就是說,不要簡單粗暴地提出一個話題,而是對這個話題進行適當具體說明。在本例中,題目的原話是:more and more people buy and use their own car. 我們當然可以這樣開頭:With the development of economy, now many people can afford to buy and use their own car. 但這種開頭顯得過于一般,不容易打動考官。如果我們把題目中“越來越多的人購買和使用自己的汽車”進行具體化,我們可能就會問:大約是什麼時候越來越多的人購買汽車?到底有多少人購買汽車?這樣,我們就可以在這個開頭中提供更多與討論相關的細節了。烤鴨們請記住:在作文中提供相關具體細節越多,作文的水平就越高。老雅的范文開頭引入了購買汽車的話題,然后接下去再補充細節,這個細節就比較具體生動地改寫題目中“越來越多的人購買和使用自己的汽車”這句話了。各位烤鴨可以馬上來練習一下,看以下兩題雅思作文應該如何開頭。1. City dwellers seldom socialize with their neighbors today and the sense of community has been lost. Why has this happened and how to solve this problem? (2016年9月24日真題)2. The government should control the amount of violence in films and on television in order to decrease the level of violent crime in society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(2017年5月20日真題)然后,請各位將自己寫的與老雅范文來比較一下。1. Now we have numerous newspaper reports about a child being robbed without anybody offering to help him or a ninety-year-old poor woman dead at home for days without anybody knowing it. All these reports point to one key problem that face dwellers in cities, especially big cities: they seldom interact with their neighbors, much less to say they care about their neighbors and they feel lonely because they do not feel they belong to any community.2. There seems to be more and more violence in films and on TV these days such as beating, murdering, gun fighting, blood shedding, among others. As I see it, the excessive exposure to these violent scenes will greatly affect the theater-goers and TV viewers, thus increasing the likelihood of their committing the same violent crimes in real life, so I would strongly suggest that the amount of violence in films and TV be controlled in order to decrease the crime rate in society.我們現在又回到第2段:Modern city life has made the car an indispensable means of transport. Though most cities today have fairly advanced transportation systems like the bus and metro, they tend to be extremely crowded, especially in rush hours. This means you might come to your office late or miss some important appointments. If you drive your own car, these problems may well be avoided. At the same time, when you plan to take your family for a trip out of town, you may also enjoy the flexibility of when to start off and when to return, rather than spending time waiting for the bus to arrive.唐老雅老師點評:本段討論使用自己的汽車可能帶來的好處,分兩個方面討論:一是自己開車可以避免上班遲到或錯誤重要約會,而是自己開車和家人外出時也更方便。那么如何才能清晰地論證這兩層意思呢?請各位烤鴨先看本段的結構:第一句從總體上提煉“現代城市生活使得汽車成為一種不可或缺的交通手段”,接下來先講一個方面,然后用at the same time引出另外一個方面,這樣的結構可從整體上確保邏輯連貫。然后,我們再深入看老雅對第一層意思的論述:“雖然多數城市多有很發達的公交和地鐵系統,但它們非常擁擠,尤其是在高峰擁堵時刻。這就意味著你可能上班遲到或者錯誤重要約會。如果你開自己的車,這些問題就可以避免。”這三句話環環相扣,自然接續。第二層論述則從自己開車可以靈活安排出發時間和回家時間,不必浪費時間等車來論證。語言方面,烤鴨們可以重點看看這些詞匯:indispensable(不可或缺的); advanced(高級的); appointment(約會); flexibility(靈活性); start off(出發)。從句子長度安排來看,本段共5個句子,分別為短句-長句-短句-短句-長句,顯得錯落有致。在論證第二層意思時,老雅使用了一個長句,其原因是之前的兩個句子都屬于短句,這里寫一個長句可以起到改變行文節奏的作用。但若仔細看,這個長句的結構其實一點也不復雜:when you..., you may also enjoy..., rather than...。大家平時在段落寫作中,也可以有意識地練習混合長短句來表達思想。第3段:However, the increased use of cars has caused serious consequences for our environment. Many experts, for instance, attribute the worsening air quality in big cities to the cars’ exhaust gas emission and the dust that rises after them. This accusation is perhaps well-grounded if you make a little comparison between the air quality 50 years ago and that now. In addition to the waste gas and dust, cars also make unbearable noises, which is a headache to all city dwellers. Just imagine a time you are shocked awake from your cozy dream by the sharp braking screech of a car passing by your house!唐老雅老師點評:本段論證私家車的增多對環境帶來的壓力,還是從兩個方面來展開論述:一是汽車尾氣帶來的空氣污染,二是汽車噪音給城市居民帶來的困擾。本段從一個統領的主題句the increased use of cars has caused serious consequences for our environment開始,然后討論空氣污染問題(共2句),最后討論噪音問題(共2句)。這樣,本段共5句話,結構非常均衡。其中,在討論噪音問題時,使用了一個想象的情境(“想象一下,某次一輛汽車從你屋前經過,刺耳的剎車聲把你從美夢中驚醒!”),讓整篇論文擺脫了枯燥無味的說理,有相當濃厚的個性化特色。這種論述方法被稱為“以情動人”,很多時候可以作為“以理服人”的補充。在雅思作文中,如果交替使用“道理”和“感情”,文章就會顯得更加靈活生動。語言方面,烤鴨們可重點學習consequence(后果); attribute...to...(把......歸咎于......); worsening(不斷惡化的); accusation(指責,指控); well-grounded(有根據的)等。在Many experts attribute the worsening air quality in big cities to the cars’ exhaust gas emission and the dust that rises after them一句中,如果不用attribute...to...或相似的結構,我們可能會這樣寫:Now, the air quality in big cities is becoming worse and worse. Many experts believe this is because of the exhaust gas the cars emit and the dust that rises after them. 這樣寫當然也是不錯的,但從句型緊湊的角度就做得不夠。烤鴨們可以經常做做這樣的思維練習,即:如果不用范文中的某個句子結構,我怎樣寫才能表達出范文中的意思?第4段:In my view, it is unrealistic for the government to put a ban on the car ownership or use since the cars have been so important in our daily life, yet we cannot overlook the negative effects they have on the environment. To get out of this dilemma, to my mind, there are two options, the first being to develop car technology and produce cars that burn less fuel and the second, encourage the car owners to use public transportation whenever possible.唐老雅老師點評:本段表達自己的觀點。對于這類雙邊討論的話題,結尾段一定要鮮明地提出自己的觀點。本范文是這樣構思的:政府出面來限制私人汽車的購買和使用是不現實的,但私家車的負面后果又不可忽視,那怎么辦呢?有兩個辦法,一是開發新的汽車技術,少用燃料,二是鼓勵私人多用公共交通服務。語言方面,烤鴨可關注這些詞匯:unrealistic(不現實的); put a ban on...(限制......);overlook(忽視); dilemma(困境); option(選擇)等。在To get out of this dilemma, to my mind, there are two options, the first being to develop car technology...一句中,注意being的正確形式,這里使用的是獨立主格結構,being不能替換為is。這個結構很多同學難以掌握,可以改寫如下,以確保正確性:To get out of this dilemma, to my mind, there are two options. The first is to develop car technology..., and the second is to encourage...來源:精英教育出國考試研究院唐院長想要了解更多雅思資料,請關注廣之旅精英教育。
